Free eBooks!

Several of my eBooks on Amazon are free until July 5 at midnight PST. You can find all of the free stories on my Author's Page at Amazon.

Included in the list is A Mystic Romance, a quick read for perfect for an afternoon at the beach or by the pool. You can read more about it on the web site. You will also find my book for kids about emu and several photo books featuring pictures from around Mystic, Connecticut and Magic Wings, a butterfly conservatory in western Massachusetts. If you enjoy the photo books, then you'll love my book, Nature Alphabet, which is great for kids learning their A, B, Cs and enjoy animals, insects, fish and flowers. A friend of mine from Mexico said it was a great resource for helping her children learn English.

On of my personal favorite books is My Flashy Words, which is a collection of strange short stories ranging from a 140 character Twitterfic story to 100 word microfiction pieces to flash fiction stories up to 1500 words. There are more than fifty stories in this collection and include stories about love, zombies, vampires, cannabals, death, romance, aliens, and much more. I've been told they make for a great read on your smartphone while standing in line or waiting at the doctor's office. If you like that collection, you are definitely going to like Prompted, which is selling for just 99¢. It is filled with stories that I wrote based on writing prompts from my co-workers and friends.

Enjoy the stories and have a great Fourth of July!


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